Wow 7.3 Best Tank

Wow 7.3 Best Tank Rating: 4,4/5 1514 votes

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  1. Noxxic offers detailed Class Guides and accurate Spec rankings for World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth patch 8.1.5.
  2. Aug 23, 2017  Discussion video about the best tank classes (spec) in legion FOR PATCH 7.3 & 7.3.2 for 5 man and raid content. Discusses the viability of Tanks based on survivability, mobility and DPS!
Hey everyone, from what we know so far about the new tier raid ahead of us. What tank classes seem to be looking the strongest. I saw a few game changer tier sets like paladins and wars. What do you guys think?
won't know the true tank ranking until Antorus releases and tanks get geared up or next Arena gear sets release. For now in my opinion as a World PvPer who encounters tanks of every class on a daily basis, and spams Mythic+ dungeons. the ranking is exactly the same as 7.2, as the same tanks i have no chance at killing are still unkillable without a party, or survive the same in M+.
On Raiding, a;l tank seems to be good with guardian druid slightly better, on certain niche situation a certain tank can be extremely good.
These 'Niche Situation' is really rare, like for example the magic damage only on Star Augur in Nighthold, and it's not that big a deal UNLESS you're talking about Mythic Difficulty
On M+ Dungones, Blood DK seems to be strongest, they have party-wide leech and Gorefiend Graps, their self-healing also pretty great.
But overally, unless you're pushing to super high-end content (Like world first mythic race), all tanks are very viable and great.
Dwarf Warrior > All
Blood DK if nothing changes - monk is doing well (though if nothing is changing, most will go without tier). Both classes are very sound, Blood DK's getting the biggest 'tier' bonus (monks getting !@#$ all).
Bear mechanically will still be pretty op and boring - armor cap, heal heal heal.
Nothing has changed with warrior - Ignore pain still doesn't offer the protection it did in EN (protects vs one to 1/2 of a hit). The whole Devastator/Indomitable being on the same tier is holding it back big time. They're 'ok' for normal, over geared heroic, or mythic host. The next tier offers a little more IP. and by a little I mean a very little.
Paladins look like they may make a small come back due to tier - still squishy as hell due to the deflection downtime.
I'm optimistic on DH's given the tier - bit boring play style but I think the next tier may make them a little less dependent on RNG (daemon form is pretty OP).
So that's my guess. Blood DK - Bear - Monk/DH - Paladin - Warrior. All based on if Monk tier is changed and if DH changes + tier go in full effect.
Do you really want to bet against druid?
This is their expansion, from start to finish.
Wow best tank 7.3 5
Unless some hefty changes follow the opening of Antorus, I think the trio of Blood DK, Bears, and Monks might stay at the top. Mostly depends on raid mechanics, but unless the other three can bring something new (or unless something from the top 3 is nerfed) it's probably gonna stay like that.
Do you really want to bet against druid?
This is their expansion, from start to finish.

which is why bears had nerfs the whole expansion starting even in the pre-patch. not even out the gate. ;D
I doubt it'll matter unless you're pushing WF, and if you're doing that then you probably have better insight regarding your question than a bunch of randos on the general forums.
Druid has been retardedly overpowered all expansion.
Otherwise, just play whatever you think looks/sounds the most fun.
09/26/2017 02:44 AMPosted by Gelidirge
Do you really want to bet against druid?
This is their expansion, from start to finish.
which is why bears had nerfs the whole expansion starting even in the pre-patch. not even out the gate. ;Dstill the best raid tanks LUL
DK = Bear > Monk > DH > Pally > Warrior.
You won't see much changes going on with the tank lineup until next expansion.
Prot warrior needs a serious look at to be as effective as other tanks.
DH and prot pally don't have 100% up time on active mitigation, and so can't compare to DKs, bears and monks for raid tanking.
DK = Bear > Monk > DH > Pally > Warrior.
You won't see much changes going on with the tank lineup until next expansion.
Prot warrior needs a serious look at to be as effective as other tanks.
DH and prot pally don't have 100% up time on active mitigation, and so can't compare to DKs, bears and monks for raid tanking.

Warrior last??? My warrior hardly takes any damage lol
Pally 2nd to last? My pally feels god like, she never dies, seriously.
Tanks wearing plate armor + shields will still be slightly worse off than tanks wearing leather dresses.
Class Fantasy(TM)
09/26/2017 04:37 AMPosted by Tsuraisha
DK = Bear > Monk > DH > Pally > Warrior.
You won't see much changes going on with the tank lineup until next expansion.
Prot warrior needs a serious look at to be as effective as other tanks.
DH and prot pally don't have 100% up time on active mitigation, and so can't compare to DKs, bears and monks for raid tanking.
Warrior last??? My warrior hardly takes any damage lol
Pally 2nd to last? My pally feels god like, she never dies, seriously.
every tank is godlike when you play normal only. In fact healing and absorption based tanks are stronger than mitigation-based tanks if they can outheal incoming damage. The discrepancy starts showing up when you start doing harder heroic fights and then further escalates on mythic.
The gap between best and worst tanks is also much smaller this tier compared to the previous tier. Healing a Druid/Monk on Krosus/Tichondrius/Augur is night and day compared to healing a warrior.
Tanks wearing plate armor + shields will still be slightly worse off than tanks wearing leather dresses.
Class Fantasy(TM)

That made me laugh hehe.
in wow the dress is tougher then plate! Lul
Warrior last??? My warrior hardly takes any damage lol
Pally 2nd to last? My pally feels god like, she never dies, seriously.

Your own experience in normal raiding and lower is anecdotal really.
Prot warriors have issues with taking large or repeated hits, and with debuffs, because of how their active mitigation maintenance is structured.
They are still viable, but require more gear to reach the same viability as say a DK.
Prot pally (and to a lesser extent DH) has gaps in its active mitigation, and this can cause issues.
While they bring nice utility and a number of defensive CDs with them, they still fall short and can take insane amounts of damage if they are caught without SotR up.
Dks, bears and monks don't have these issues.
It is however worth noting that prot pally has the potential for a relatively simple adjustment mechanically by Blizzard.
If SotR were 3 individual charges with their own separate CD (similar to DK's runes), but with a refreshing instead of time stacking buff, the gaps in their mitigation would essentially vanish.
SotR being a stacked cooldown ability is the main issue with prot pally.
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Have Guardian Druids lost their spot at #1 now that Mark of Ursol has been removed and Ironfur was nerfed or are they still the most OP tank class?
I've been thinking about switching from Prot warrior to Bear tank for the new raid for several reasons..not so sure now.
yes bears / monks still reign supreme. shelf your warrior imo they're the worst atm.
Play a class and spec you would rather play than what seems OP. You'll have more fun that way.

Wow Tanks

Man please I wrecked Guardian Druid on my Prot warrior and my DH I Khorlamahr the God Vengeance Demon Hunter!!
This is just a fun reply no need to rage on me I'm just being silly..
yes bears / monks still reign supreme. shelf your warrior imo they're the worst atm.

Oh wow .the worst? I thought DK's and DH's still lagged the other tank classes by a good margin.
06/13/2017 12:39 PMPosted by Kittymeowss
yes bears / monks still reign supreme. shelf your warrior imo they're the worst atm.
Oh wow .the worst? I thought DK's and DH's still lagged the other tank classes by a good margin.
DH is actually pretty solid after the changes, it's something like Guardian>Monk>DH>DK=Warr atm according to tankchat discord
Pally is prob right above DK=Warr I bet
DH is actually pretty solid after the changes, it's something like Guardian>Monk>DH>DK=Warr atm according to tankchat discord
Damn Pally has fallen right out of the game then. Crap!
06/13/2017 12:39 PMPosted by Kittymeowss
yes bears / monks still reign supreme. shelf your warrior imo they're the worst atm.
Oh wow .the worst? I thought DK's and DH's still lagged the other tank classes by a good margin.
Uhmm DH and DK are better tanks than warriors in Nighthold already. Both are receiving substantial buff this patch. It's looking like Bear/Monk > Pally > DH/DK > Warrior.
The new changes to DK are pretty solid so far. I'd rate tanks:
Druid = Pally > DK > War/Monk/DH
Druid for damage mit, pally for output, spell mitigation, utility
I've always felt good about my tanking ability it's still a total bring the player not the class for tanks. In general. I am sure there is a best worst once you get up to the super pro level. But as a casual or just up to heroic raids and mid level mythics it's just don't be dumb use your highest item level you'll be more then good enough.
BrM is feeling good, the fire breath is on too long of a cd, but otherwise it feels ok.
VDH is about to tear things up. Early reports are a doubling in DPS with the same gear as yesterday. ToS has more physical damage than magic (NH), could become viable raid tanks as well. Time will have to see on that but we got buffed big.
New Spirit Bomb=early Blizzard Christmas gift.
Just tank on the class you like playing, not the FOTM class.
bears > monks > DH > DK..
nice balance blizzard.
and DH and DK DPS buffs are over the top.
Have Guardian Druids lost their spot at #1 now that Mark of Ursol has been removed and Ironfur was nerfed or are they still the most OP tank class?

Funny part is Bear tanks were so powerful that even with all of those nerfs, they are still the strongest tank.
Mainly due to their very high health still acting like a safety net.
The DK and DH changes are enough to pull them out of the gutter, but they can't dethrone the Bears.
The tanks are all very close after the patch. DH and Warrior are at the bottom again, but not to the point they're borderline unplayable like in NH. DK, however, is basically mandatory on a couple of fights. This is obviously regarding Mythic, since Heroic and Normal aren't hard enough for it to really matter.
The new lego pants for prot warriors look fantastic and should go a long way to helping our survivability. An extra shield block and spell reflect charge? yes please.
Major leagues:
Protection Paladin
Minor leagues:
those other tank classes.
I know I'm not a top tier raider, but I am incredibly enthused by the changes to blood. I already was transitioning into making it my new main, but the changes just made me that much happier. This just could be because I've never played a DK until legion, but whatever, it has been a blast pre-buff and is even better post.
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