Shortcut Format Ubertragen Excel 2016

Shortcut Format Ubertragen Excel 2016 Rating: 4,3/5 5325 votes

This is a major rework compared to previous versions. This should be one of the most complete Shortcut References for Excel updated to the latest versions. Most all shortcuts are most likely to work exactly the same on previous versions. Overall if you are a legacy Excel user, try to get used to the Ribbon Shortcuts; they seem cumbersome at first; but worth the effort learning.

Looking for the keyboard shortcut for Copy Format and Paste Format (or format painter) I have seen several posts for Office Mac 2011 but can't find any for Office Mac 2016. I am trying to use a keyboard shortcut to replicate the functionality of Format Painter. In Excel 2016, I would like to change the keyboard shortcut for the Search command from CTRL+B to CTRL+F so that this command has the same keyboard shortcut as in other programs. However, I could not find how to do this. Use the following shortcuts keyboard shortcuts with Power Pivot in Office 365, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, and Excel 2013.

1. Navigate Worksheets
Arrow KeysNavigate by one cell at a time in any direction
Page Down/Page UpMove one screen down/ up
Alt+Page Down/Page UpMove one screen right/ left
Tab/Shift+TabMove one cell to the right/ to the left in a worksheet
Ctrl+Arrow KeysMove to the edge of next data region (cells that contains data)
HomeMove to the beginning of row
Ctrl+HomeMove to the beginning of worksheet
Ctrl+EndMove to the last cell with content of worksheet
Ctrl+GDisplay the GoTo dialog box
Ctrl+G then type e.g. A50Go to line 50, Column A
Ctrl+G then type e.g. G1Go to column G, Line 1

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2. Select Cells
Basic Selects
Shift+Arrow KeysExtend selection by one cell
Shift+Page Down/Page UpExtend selection one screen down/ up
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow KeysExtend selection to next non-blank cell
Shift+HomeExtend selection to beginning of the row (unfortunately, there is no Shift+End equivalent)
Ctrl+A with no data nearby current cellSelect all
Ctrl+A with data nearby current cellSelect all cells in>
Column and Row Selection
Shift+SpaceSelect current row
Shift+Space, then
Shift+Arrow Down/ Arrow Up
Select current row, then expand selection by one row down/ up
Shift+Space, then
Shift+Page Down/ Page Up
Select current row, then expand selection by one page down/ up
Ctrl+SpaceSelect current column
Shift+Space, then
Shift+Arrow Right/ Arrow Left
Select current column, then expand selection by one column right/ left
Shift+Space, then
Shift+Alt+Page Down/ Page Up
Select current column, then expand selection by one screen right/ left

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3. Juggle Rows, Columns, and Cells
Shift+Space, then Ctrl+-Select single row; then delete
Shift+Space, Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow Down, then Ctrl+-Select multiple rows; then delete
Shift+Space, Ctrl+Shift++Select single row; then insert one row above
Shift+Space, Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow Down, then Ctrl+Shift++Select multiple rows; then insert the same number rows below
Shift+Space, then Ctrl+-Select single (or multiple) columns, then delete
Shift+Space, then Ctrl+Shift++Select single row, then insert row below. Select multiple rows to insert multiple rows
Ctrl+Shift++ with row(s) in clipboard and a row selectedPaste Insert - paste row(s) from clipboard and shift existing content downward
Ctrl+Shift++ with column(s) in clipboard and column selectedPaste Insert - paste column(s) from clipboard and shift existing content to the right
Ctrl+Shift++With cells that are not complete rows/columns - Open insert cell/ row/ column menu
Ctrl+-With cells that are not complete rows/columns - Open delete cell/ row/ column menu
Shift+Arrow Down, F2, then Ctrl+EnterFill single cell content down to all cells selected with Shift+Arrow Down
Shift+Arrow Up, F2, then Ctrl+EnterFill single cell content upto all cells selected with Shift+Arrow Down

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4. Edit Cell Content
These assume you are inside a cell.
F2Edit cell. Press Escape to cancel
Home/EndJump to beginning/ end of cell
Arrow KeysNavigate by one character left/ right or one line up/ down
Ctrl+Arrow Left/ Arrow RightNavigate by one word left/ right
Shift+Arrow KeysSelect one character to the left/ right (or one line up/down)
Shift+ Home/EndSelect from the insertion point to beginning/ end of cell
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow RightSelect or unselect one word to the left/ right
Delete/BackspaceDelete one character to the right/ left of cursor
Ctrl+DeleteDelete from cursor to end of cell
Alt+EnterStart a new line inside cell
Enter/Shift+EnterComplete cell entry and move one cell down/ up
Tab/Shift+TabComplete cell entry and move one cell right/ left
Ctrl+EnterComplete cell entry and don't move selection
Ctrl+'Duplicate value from Cell above into current cell at cursor position
Ctrl+;Insert current date at cursor position
Ctrl+Shift+;Insert current time at cursor position

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5. Duplicate Cells, Rows, and Columns
Ctrl+DFill Down from cell(s) above into current cell(s)
Ctrl+D with a row selectedDuplicate row via fill down - Fill current row with content from row above.
Ctrl+D with multiple empty cells selectedDuplicate content of first cell(s) in first row to all cells in selection downward.
Ctrl+RFill Rright from cell(s) on the left into current cell(s)
Ctrl+R with a column selectedDuplicate column via fill right - Fill current column with content from column on the left.
Ctrl+D with multiple empty cells selectedDuplicate content first cell(s) in first column to all cells in selection to the right.
Ctrl+'Duplicate formula from cell above

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6. Undo, Redo, and Repeat Action
With Excel 2016 'redo' (undo an undo) and 'repeat' (repeat last action) became a bit confus. Ctrl+Y is a repeat if no undo is present.
Ctrl+YRedo (after undo) or Repeat (e.g. when applying formats)
Alt+2Undo list (via quick access). Use Arrow Down to extend undo range.
Alt+3Redo list (via quick access). Use Arrow Down to extend redo range.
Alt+Enter outside edit cell modeRepeat last action. E.g. try to set a cell bold with Ctrl+B, then go to a different cell and press Alt+Enter; great to cascade formatting across multiple cells

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7. Cut, Copy, Paste, and Paste Special
Ctrl+XCut cell(s) to clipoard
Ctrl+CCopy cell(s) to clipboard
Ctrl+VPaste cell(s) from clipboard
Ctrl++Insert Paste - Paste cell and push content downward or rightward. Works great for entire rows and columns.
Ctrl+Alt+VOpen Paste Special Menu (requires a prior copy to Clipboard)
Ctrl+Alt+V, then V, EnterPaste Values
Ctrl+Alt+V, then T, EnterPaste Formats
Ctrl+Alt+V, then E, EnterPaste Transposed
Ctrl+Alt+V, then W, EnterPaste Column Width
Ctrl+Alt+V, then U, EnterPaste Values and Number Formats
F3Paste a defined name into a formula

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8. Format Cells
General Cell Format
Ctrl+Alt+V, then T and EnterCopy a cell via Ctrl+C, then via Paste Spacieal, paste format of that cell to current cell
Alt+EnterRepeat a previous cell format action on current cell
Ctrl+1Open Format Cells dialog with last selection active
Ctrl+Shift+FOpen Format Cells dialog with Font Tab active
Font Face, Font Decoration, and Cell Color
Ctrl+BApply/ remove bold format
Ctrl+IApply/ remove italic format
Ctrl+UApply/ remove underline format
Ctrl+5Apply/ remove strikethrough formatting
Alt+H, FFHome select Font Face; type font name supported by auto-complete, or use Arrow Down to select.
Alt+H, FSHome select Font Size; use Arrow Key, then Enter to change size
Alt+H, FC, Escape, EnterAssign current font color to selection via Home Font Color. While escaping the font-color drop-down, the focus stays on the icon; simply press Enter to assign the current color.
Alt+HH, Escape, EnterAssign current fill color to selected cell color via Home Higlight Cell. While escaping the highlight drop-down, the focus stays on the icon; simply press Enter to assign the current color.
Alt+HH, then NSet to No fill color
Number Formats
Ctrl+Shift+~Apply the general number format (e.g. 1000)
Ctrl+Shift+1Apply the number format with two decimal places, thousands separator (e.g. 1,000.00)
Ctrl+Shift+2Apply the time format with the hour and minute, and indicate AM or PM
Ctrl+Shift+3Apply the date format with the day, month, and year
Ctrl+Shift+4Apply the currency format with two decimal places (e.g. $1,000.00)
Ctrl+Shift+5Apply the percentage format with no decimal places (e.g. 10%)
Ctrl+Shift+6Apply the scientific number format
Alt+H, ALAlign Left
Alt+H, ARAlign Right
Alt+H, ACAlign Center
Alt+H, ATAlign Top
Alt+H, AMAlign Middle
Alt+H, ABAlign Bottom
Wrap and Merge
Alt+H, WWrap or unwrap text (Home - Wrap Text)
Alt+H, MMMerge cells - Merge
Alt+H, MUMerge - Unmerge
Alt+H, MCMerge and Center
Alt+H, MAMerge Across (merge all columns, but not rows in selection)
Border Shortcuts
There are only two direct shortcuts which apply or remove the complete outline. It seems the the easiest to enter the border menu, and then apply the shortcuts in the border menu.
Alt+H, BMHome - Border - Menu; technically it says 'more'.
Alt+T (in border menu)Toggle Top border
Alt+BToggle Bottom border
Alt+RToggle Right border
Alt+LToggle Left border
Alt+HToggle Horizontal interior border
Alt+VToggle Vertical interior border
Alt+UToggle Upwards diagonal border
Alt+DToggle Downwards diagonal border
Ctrl+Shift+&Add outline borders from cell or selection
Ctrl+Shift+-Remove outline borders from cell or selection

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9. Find and Replace
Ctrl+FDisplay the Find and Replace dialog box (with find selected)
Ctrl+HDisplay the find and replace dialog box (with replace selected)
EscapeClose the find and replace dialog Box (with focus on dialog box)
Shift+F4Find next (with search box closed)
Ctrl+Shift+F4Find previous (with search box closed)
Alt+Tab, or Ctrl+F/H when losing focusToggle focus between find/ replace dialog box and worksheet
Alt+FFind next with find dialog box active
Alt+IFind all with find dialog box active
* in search optionUse as asterix for searching multiple characters
? in search optionsUse as wildcard for searching any single character, Use '~' before '?' when searching special characters.
~* searches for *
~~ searches for ~
~? searches for ?

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10. Formulas
=Start a formula
Alt+=Insert the AutoSum formula
Ctrl+A with formula presentEdit formula in formula Bar
Ctrl+Shift+UExpand/ collapse formula bar
F4After typing cell reference (eg =E4) makes reference absolute (=$E$4). Repeat if you want to toogle from absolute reference to parcial or complete removal ($E$4 -> E$4 -> $E4 -> returning to E4.
Shift+F3 with empty cellDisplay the 'insert function; dialog box
Shift+F3 with formula presentEdit arguments of formula at cursor position
Alt+H,FD, USelect all Formulas (Home - Find - Formulas
Ctrl+Shift+Enter with array formulaEnter a formula as an array formula. Formula bar will show this as e.g. {=SUM(A1:A3*B1:B3)} whichis the sum of A1*B2+A2*B2+A3+B3. This is an easy and concise method. Remember that each time editing the formula will require the Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Some keyboards seem to distinguish between left and right Shift key
Ctrl+~Show/ hide all formulas. This will automatically extend all column widths which reverses when presed again
Ctr+'Duplicate formula from cell above
F3Paste named range in formula
Ctrl+BackspaceWhen navigated away while editing formula; jump back to active cell while keeping formula intact.
Trace Dependents and Precedents
Ctrl+[Select direct precedents
Ctrl+Shift+[Select all precedents
Ctrl+]Select direct dependents
Ctrl+Shift+]Select all dependents
Manual Calculation
F9Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks
Shift+F9Calculate the active worksheet
Ctrl+Alt+F9Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9Recheck dependent formulas, and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated

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11. Manage Workbooks
Open and Save Workbooks
Ctrl+OOpen file via standard open dialog box
Alt+F, OFile Open via Excel file manager
Alt+F, O + 1..9Open recent file (1 thru 9)
Alt+F, O, Y1..ZOpen recent file (10 upwards)
Alt+F, O, KFile Open from OneDrive Link
Ctrl+SSave File with current file name
F12Save file as via standard save dialog box
Alt+F, AFile Save as via Excel file manager
Alt+F, A, KFile Save to OneDrive Link
EscapeExit open/ save menu
Print Workbooks
Ctrl+PPrint. This won't offer offer Key Tips/ Options. To continue with shortcuts, use the new Key Options below.
Alt+F, POpen File Print menu
I in Print MenuSelect printer
Alt+P if Key Tips disappearReturn Print key tips/ options
V in Print MenuFocus on View pane; use arrow keys to forward/ backward preview pages
G in Print MenuPage setup
N in Print MenuSet Number of copies

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12. Manage Worksheet Tabs
Ctrl+Page Down/Page UpMove to the next/ previous worksheet in current workbook
Alt+H, ISInsert worksheet (Home - Insert Sheet)
Alt+H, DSDelete worksheet Home - Delete Sheet
Alt+H, ORRename worksheet (Home - Format - Rename worksheet)
Alt+H, OMMove worksheet (Home - Format - Move worksheet)
Alt+H, OTWorksheet tab color, continue with mouse or arrow keys (Home - Format - Tab color)

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13. Freeze, Split, and Hide
Alt+W+FFView - Freeze or unfreeze; unfreeze works for any Freeze Setting
Alt+W+RView - Freeze first visible Row on screen
Alt+W+CView - Freeze first Column on screen
Ctrl+9Hide selected rows
Ctrl+Shift+9Unhide hidden rows within the selection
Ctrl+0Hide selected columns
Shift+F10, then UUnhide selected columns (Ctrl+Shift+0 not working in Excel 2010, 2013, or 2016)
Alt+WSSplit or unsplit Worksheet at current position

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14. Auto Filter
Ctrl+Shift+LTurn Autofilter on or off. Select table as necessary but many times Excel figures out what you want.
Alt+Arrow DownOn the field with column head, display the AutoFilter list for the current column. Press Escape to cancel
Arrow Down/Arrow Up and SaceSelect the next/ previous item in the AutoFilter list
Alt+Arrow UpClose the AutoFilter list for the current column
Home/EndSelect the first item/ last item in the AutoFilter list

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15. Column Width and Row Height
It takes only a little bit patience to get used to set row-height and column-width using the pixels instead of the mouse; but only after a short while getting used to the keyboard shortcuts, you won't go back. It can't get any easier to exactly double or triple the row height by working with the values given.
Alt+HOHome - Format Worksheet
H (in Format Worksheet Menu)Set row Height
AAutofit row height
WSet column Width
IAutofit column width (Based on current cell; mark column if you want to autfit column based on widest cell)
DSet Default width (for all columns that haven't been changed yet)

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16. Navigate Multi-Cell Selections
All these shortcuts assume multipe cells have been selected. Try with at least 2-3 columns and rows.
Tab/Shift+TabMove active cell right/ left in selection
Enter/Shift+EnterMove active cell down/ up in selection
Shift+BackspaceSelect only the active cell when multiple cells are selected
Ctrl+BackspaceShow active cell within selection; helps with large selections when active cell is off screen
Ctrl+.Move clockwise between the four courners of a selection
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Right/ Arrow LeftMove to the right/ to the left between non-adjacent selections (with multiple ranges selected)
Arrow Keys with active SelectionCancel Selection

Shortcut Format Ubertragen Excel 2016 Date

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17. Comments and Hyperlinks
Ctrl+KInsert or edit hyperlinK (for complete cell only)
Shift+F10, then RRemove one or multiple hyperlink(s)
Shift+F10, then 2x O, then EnterOpen hyperlink (In the Excel 2016 Contextmenu, 'O' is double-assigned which require the extra keys)
Shift+F2Insert/ edit a cell comment
1x Escape when in Comment, then Arrow KeysMove comment
2x Escape when in CommentEscape comment editing and return to cell
Ctrl+Shift+OSelect all cells with comments
Shift+F10, then MDelete single comment (or multipe with multiple comments selected)

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18. Pivot Tables
Creating Pivot Tables with Shortcuts only seems to be nearly impossible; managing existing tables is doable.
Alt+NVInsert PivotTable after selecting data range. Follow up with Alt+E for existing worksheet if desired, Tab, and type the cell reference where it should go (e.g. C1)
F10+RRefresh PivotTable
Ctrl+-Hide selected item
Alt+Arrow Down in headerUnhide item(s) by opening header drop-down and using Arrow Keys and Space to unhide item
Type over any field with the value hiddenUnhide item(s) (assume you have two fields 'color', and 'size' and you hid 'color'. Go into 'size' field and type 'color' - this will unhide the 'color' field
Type over any field with another field in same tableFlip current field value with the value typed
Ctrl+Shift+*Select the entire PivotTable report
Alt+Shift+Arrow RightGroup selected PivotTable items
Alt+Shift+Arrow LeftUngroup selected PivotTable items when on group header
ALT+JTXExpand all fields
ALT+JTPCollapse all fields
Ctrl+Shift++Insert pivot formula/ calculated field
Alt+F1Create Pivot Chart in same Worksheet
F1Create Pivot Chart in new Worksheet

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19. Excel Auto Tables and Data Forms
Auto Tables
Ctrl+TCreate auto Table from selection
Ctrl+SpaceSelect table column
Shift+SpaceSelect table row
Data Forms
Tab/Shift+TabMove to the next/ previous field which can be edited
Enter/Shift+EnterMove to the first field in the next/ previous record
Page Down/Page UpMove to the same field 10 records forward/ back
Ctrl+Page DownMove to a new record
Ctrl+Page UpMove to the first record
Home/EndMove to the beginning/ end of a field

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20. Group Rows and Columns
Alt+Shift+Arrow RightGroup rows or columns
Alt+Shift+Arrow LeftUngroup rows or columns
Alt+AHData Hide detail
Alt+AJData Show Detail (j is next to h on keyboard that’s probably why they picked 'J' isntead of somthing else)
Ctrl+8Display or hides the outline symbols
Alt+ASCII CodeEnter ASCII code, e.g. Alt+0169 inserts © Symbol

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Shortcut Format Ubertragen Excel 2016 Download

21. The Rest
Ctrl+F1Minimize/ restore Excel ribbons
Ctrl after selecting at least 2 rows and 2 columnsDisplay format, chart, totals, tables, and sparklines menus
Shift+F7Display the thesaurus dialog box
F7Display the spelling dialog box
Alt+F, IEEnable Editing for protected view (File Info Enable Editing)
Alt+F4Close Excel
Alt+'Style dialog box
Ctrl+F3Define a name or dialog
Ctrl+Shift+F3Create names from row and column labels
Alt+F1Create and insert chart with data in current range as embedded Chart Object
F11Create and insert chart with data in current range in a separate Chart Sheet
Alt+F11Open VBA editor window
Ctrl+F6Scroll between open workbooks
Alt+F8Display macro dialog box

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