Should I Play Portal 1 Before Portal 2

Should I Play Portal 1 Before Portal 2 Rating: 3,1/5 9411 votes

And since Portal 2 has been released simultaneously on PCs and consoles, Microsoft will also benefit from fans who play on its Xbox 360 system. If the PC gaming business is weak, the Mac. Apr 20, 2011 - You've heard of Portal 2, but are you ready to play Portal 2? Do you need help determining which part of the game to play first? Want to know. Portal 2 Mod Tool The BEE2 allows reconfiguring Portal 2's Puzzlemaker editor to use additional items, reskin maps for different eras, and configure many other aspects. All vanilla items have been upgraded with additional bugfixes and improvements.

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This article is going to discuss many aspects of Portal 2 in detail. There will most definitely be spoilers.

Valve's Portal 2, the long-awaited sequel to 2007's landmark Portal, was one of the most eagerly awaited games of the year. The Potato Sack Alternative Reality Game and the prospect of unlocking the game early stoked the fires of anticipation still further.

Just as with its predecessor, the reviews of the game have been uniformly spectacular, with the game currently standing at an impressive 95 percent on Metacritic. It is already being spoken of as a Game of the Year contender. But is this game really that good, or have reviewers been caught up in Valve's promotional fervor?

The first Portal game was a remarkable feat. It used the basic vocabulary of the first-person shooter, a genre familiar to any gamer, and gave it a unique (well, OK, not quite unique) twist. It was a first-person shooter in which we couldn't shoot. We could be shot at. Indeed, we would be shot at on a regular basis. But we couldn't shoot back.

All we could do was create portals—wormholes linking two parts of the level through which people and objects could walk, jump, or fall through. The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device was no gun. It was simply a way of creating shortcuts from A to B. And what did we use our ASHPD for? We used it to solve puzzles in the name of science. Puzzles that would, as often or not, result in us being dissolved in acid, riddled with bullets, or vaporized by High Energy Pellets. We were in a first-person shooter environment, with first-person shooter controls and contrivances, and peril around every corner, but we couldn't shoot our way out: we had to think our way out. We had to think with portals.

And, dammit, the portals actually worked. It may seem a minor thing, but to me, the fact that you could actually look through them, use them to see the back of your head, use them to create a kind of hall-of-mirrors effect, fall for miles in a room only 20 feet high, was simply incredible. These were not dumb teleports of the kind we had in Quake. They were real, contiguous links between distant points in space, and they worked and felt exactly as they should.

That alone made Portal a fascinating game. A game worth playing, at least to try it out. The game invited experimentation. Though each puzzle clearly had a 'right way' to solve it, the environment was malleable enough that many times we could devise our own solutions to the problems. I'm not going to pretend that this was an open-ended sandbox game or anything like that, but we could solve many of the problems in our own way. The game had this rich sense of discovery: we were not merely following the script, we could put our own unique stamp on the puzzles. The game was not just fascinating: it was deeply rewarding, too.

A journey into the darkest reaches of my psyche

But Valve didn't just create a game with a highly compelling core gameplay mechanic. It created a game that was rich in atmosphere. I realize that this is as much by accident as by design; the game was designed as little more than a tech demo, and the reason there isn't a huge back story, or any real exposition, or many different characters is as much due to budgetary and timing constraints as any deliberate effort on the part of developers. But the result is what matters, and the result had me gripped.

I can't play Portal at night. The game has this pervasive, soul-destroying feeling of solitude. The Aperture Science Enrichment Center is incomprehensibly enormous, and yet moving through it we meet not a single living thing. The test chambers are equipped with observation rooms—plainly there should be people up there—this should be a busy, bustling science lab. But they're all empty. The lights are all on, but there's literally no one at home. Even when we break out of test chambers, there's nothing. No scientists, no research assistants, no secretaries, no janitors, no maintenance men—not even any other test subjects.

The closest thing we get to companionship is GLaDOS, the murderous experimentalist forcing us to perform these tests. She calls it science, but she's no more a scientist than Josef Mengele. She voyeuristically watches over us, putting us deliberately in harm's way, and ultimately trying to kill us directly. There is no comfort to be had from GLaDOS. Comedic moments, sure. But all thoroughly tinged with evil.

This loneliness is further compounded by the Companion Cube. We're so desperately alone in the world that we form an emotional attachment to a metal box with hearts on it. We're willing to reach out even to an inanimate object in the vain hope that it will reciprocate our desires for interaction.

And finally, we have the Aperture Science Sentry Turrets. Oh, the turrets. Was a computerized killing machine ever so heartbreakingly melancholy? Their solitude is almost as profound as our own. 'Are you still there?' they plaintively cry out into the void. With every turret I killed, I died a little more inside. We had to kill them—they were thoroughly lethal and had no qualms about killing us back—but I never wanted to kill them. Every dead turret was a gut-wrenching failure on my part. They were not bad; they were just victims of their own programming.

As I said, I couldn't play Portal at night. With the house silent, playing in the dark, just me and the game, it felt too desperate. I was not just the only person in the Enrichment Center—I felt like I was the only person on the planet. The feelings it provoked of existential despair were just too profound. I had to play it during the day, just to retain that connection to the outside world.

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Portal 2 Game Information

Game Name: Portal 2
Genre: Puzzle-platform game
Developer(s): Valve Corporation
Publisher(s): Valve Corporation
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, Playstation 3, Xbox 360,
Release date(s): April 19th, 2011
Rating: PEGI : 12+
Mode(s): Single-player, Multiplayer (Co-operative)

Portal 2 System Requirements (PC)

CPU: 3.0 GHz Pentium 4, Dual Core 2.0 (or higher) or Athlon 64 X2 (or higher)
CPU Speed: 3.0 GHz Pentium 4, Dual Core 2.0 (or higher) or Athlon 64 X2 (or higher)
RAM: 1 GB XP / 2 GB Vista & 7
OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000
Video Card: Video card must be 128 MB or more and should be a DirectX 9-compatible with support for Pixel Shader 2.0b (ATI Radeon X800 or higher / NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or higher / Intel HD Graphics 2000 or higher).
Free Disk Space: At least 7.6 GB of Space

Portal 2 PC Download

Portal 2 is the first person puzzle sequel to Portal; developed by Valve Corporation and released for Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360, Portal 2 was released in April 19th, 2011.

There is a single player mode and a cooperative multi-player campaign. Players take on the role of Chell in the single player campaign and as one of the two robots, Atlas or P-Body, in the multiplayer. The goal of each campaign is to further explore Aperature Science Laboratories. Discover the Aperature Science Laboratories now for free with our Portal 2 Crack Full Version PC Download.

Should I Play Portal 1 Before Portal 2016

The majority of the game takes place in test chambers where players must figure out how to get to the exit. Throughout each campaign, characters can take a bit of damage but sustained damage will cause death. If the character falls into a bottomless pit or toxic pools the character dies immediately. There is no damage from landing on solid surfaces.

Players solve puzzles using a “portal gun” that can create two portals that connect two distant locations. These portals are used to move objects from one place to another or even just yourself. The portals can only be placed into white surfaces and they are outlined with blue and orange ovals.

Some different obstacles that are featured in some of the puzzles are lasers, turrets, and aerial faith plates, Lasers hurt your character when direct contact is made with them. The laser can travel through portals so that’s an important thing to remember when solving puzzles. Turrets will shoot lasers at you so players must either disable them or avoid their line of sight. Aerial faith plates are another key to solving various puzzles, they launch players as well as objects around the room. Discover the complex puzzle-solving aspects of Portal 2 by downloading the Portal 2 full PC version Crack, which is the latest addition to our gallery.

How To Play Portal

Most of the exits to test chambers require a cube to open up. There are various types of “the cube” in Portal 2. The weighted cube is the original cube that can be sat on pressure plates to set off a reaction whether it be a door or something special. Redirection cubes are different and are used to redirect laser beams, which comes in handy for activating certain points of a puzzle. There are various other complex features in the game, which you can test with our free Portal 2 Crack, the full version game download.

Gels that pour out of pipes are also another feature to the game. They can travel through portals as well and they are used to coat specific surfaces or objects. Each gel has a unique property – there are orange, blue, and white gels. Use our free full version Portal 2 Crack Download to try out the different gels. The orange propulsion gel allows objects and players to move across surfaces more quickly. The blue repulsion gel causes both objects and players to bounce on the surface. White conversion gels allow players to make surfaces that aren’t white accept portals. Each of these gels will be used to solve certain puzzles. Have fun with Portal 2 Downlaod Free Crack Full Version PC.

The cooperative mode allows two players to play on a split screen. Our Portal 2 Crack allows you to play in co-operative mode either online or with your friends via a LAN connection. You can play the co-operative mode with Portal 2 Free Download Crack Full Version PC. Each player is a robot with a portal gun that shoots two portals. One gun will have a blue and purple portal, and the other will have red and orange. They can use each other’s portals so they have to work (co-operate) together in order to solve the puzzles. Most of these puzzles require both sets of portals to be used as they are less structured and need more laser redirection and such. Install Portal 2 Crack Full Version PC Free Download and start solving these puzzles now!

The cast of pirates of the caribbean. The lead writer of Portal 2 free download suggests that each campaign is around six hours long so the game is five times as long as the original Portal. By the way, you can download the first ever Portal here. If we receive additional requests, we will consider releasing the Portal Crack (prequel to portal 2 – it’s now released!) and any possible sequels in the future (i.e. Portal 3, Portal 4 etc.).

If you’re into puzzle games, also play Ori and the Blind Forest, or World of Goo.

Portal 2 Screenshots