Why Are Hutts So Powerful

Why Are Hutts So Powerful Rating: 3,7/5 2092 votes
01.11.2012 , 09:46 AM #31
In the Han Solo trilogy, younger Hutts particular were described as slender and quite fast and even deadly in physical combat.
So I presume it really is - the older Hutts are, the bigger they grow. They have achieved considerably riches and power in younger years, and they simply don't have to do anything for themselves. And at some point, it really doesn't matter that you could easily kill a Hutt -if you want his contacts, his tech, or money he's tied up in countless of operations - you need him alive, and on your side.

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Jan 11, 2012  In the Han Solo trilogy, younger Hutts particular were described as slender and quite fast and even deadly in physical combat. So I presume it really is - the older Hutts are, the bigger they grow. They have achieved considerably riches and power in younger years, and they simply don't have to do anything for themselves. All the sources I've read agree that Jabba is immensely powerful, and his influence was such that even the Imperial forces were reluctant to cross him. But physically, Hutts just don't seem particularly intimidating. Sure, they're big, and they have huge mouths, but Jabba seems practically immobile.

They should... the numbers are the same. I just ordered a pair for my 2003 Holiday Rambler Imperial, I'll let you know when I get them.

What was viatnamization?

the slow and eventual removal of American troops to let Vietnam fight its own war.

Why have us troops remained in Korea?

We still have troops there to protect the koreans. They are our ally so they let us have troops there. Its just like why we have troops in japan. If the US had to envade North Korea we would already have soldiers ready to cross the border. We could envade them faster then having to ship troops over there. If this helped plz recomend me. Thank you

Why was Pegasus Bridge important during D day?

IT was important cos it let troops, armies, and tanks.

What are John McCain's thoughts on the war in Iraq?

he is going to let troops fight till the war is done

What were some of Napoleon's failures?

deserting he let so many of his troops die when he fled from russia to france

What role did the Mississippi river play in the civil war?

it let the union block off Texas from sending troops

Four times allies used the appeasement policy with Hitler?

they let Hitler make an army, they let Germany make a transportation system for troops, allowed Germany to join austria and they let Hitler anex other countrys

What happened when Odysseus' men jumped out from hiding in the wooden horse?

They ran and opened the city gates to let in the Greek troops.

Is there a peaceful way to change the government in Iraq?

yes. we could let the taliban take over and move all of America's troops out. very peaceful.

What was the long term effect of the battle of the bulge?

General Eisenhower was running out of troops so he let African Americans pick up guns and fight with the white units. African American soldiers were let fight in the military from that day

Why does fall or autumn have two names?

Why Is Israel So Powerful

Because America won't modernize, heck, they won't let go of anything. Not even the imperial system... 0.o :) hope this helped

Who put George Washington in charge of troops?

Congress. Washington showed up in uniform and stated he was the best qualified man to lead the army. He had served in the French and Indian war as a British officer. They agreed to let him command the troops, but with the warning that if he failed it would not be forgotten.

Reasons why Germany was unsecessful in taking the soviet union?

Hitler micromanaged the Operation Barbarossa when he should have left the fighting and strategy to the top Generals. Hitler was a military idiot. Hitler failed to supply the troops with extremely warm clothing, food, medication, ammo, planes, fuel, and whatever else they needed. He demanded they fight to the death with what they had. He let them starve to death. They had to surrender to survive. Out of about 100,000 or less Nazi troops only… Read More

Why did General Eisenhower have US troops tour the death camps in World War 2?

Possibly, to let them see for themselves, that their sacrifices had been for a just cause.

What was Lincoln's initial cause for sending troops into the south?

i think it was because the south was attempting to suceed (im not sure how to spell that) and Lincoln viewed them simply as a group of rebels because he refused to let the United States split. So he sent troops to 'control' the trouble makers.

What were 2 ways Hitler's strategy in the Soviet Union backfired?

Hitler's strategy in the Soviet Union backfired big time because he could not keep the troops supplied with winter clothing or food or armament. He did not account for the severe winter or the long distance from Germany to Russia. He also was stubborn and would not let his troops come home when they needed to return. He let them die from exposure to the frigid temperatures and starvation.

Who was the French commander of all the troops in Canada?

Over the years there have been many French commander over all CANADIAN troops in Canada. Today many of the troops in Canada are not Canadian and while those troops politely let us believe they are here by invitation and would answer to us should something serious occur history tells us what would really happen. One French Commander would be Lieutenant General Jean Jacques Paradis. Commander from 1977 to 1981.

What is the difference between mongol rule in russia and china?

Mongol rule in China was a lot more strict and direct. The Mongols defeated Chinas imperial armies and made themselves direct rules. However they let Russia do as they pleased. They let them keep their religon and let the Princes keep there rulership. All Russia had to do was maintain under mongol rule and pay them taxes.

How was Texas able to defeat the Mexican Army?

Total surprise. At the Battle of San Jacinto, General Santa Anna, the Mexican dictator, let his troops take a siesta because he believed that the Texans wouldn't attack until the morning. He was wrong. The Texans attacked in the middle of the Mexican troops' siesta.

Why did Ben-Kenobi raise his lightsaber to Darth Vader and let himself die?

Why Are Hutts So Powerful Quotes

He wanted to turn into a ghost so he could guide Luke through his life without imperial forces interrupting.

What agreement was made in March 1946 between Ho Chi Minh and the French?

Ho Chi Minh agreed to let French troops temporarily return to northern Vietnam.

What impact on did the crossing of the Delaware have?

The impact of the crossing of the Delaware was that the British learned to never let their guard town. They were unprepared for an attack on Christmas Day. Washington and his troops won the battle.

What troop name can you use for scouts?

Troops don't usually have names in the Boy Scouts of America. Troops have numbers, but patrols have names. Maybe your troop only has one patrol, so it seems like the troop name. You can name your patrol anything, really, anything that your scout master will let you get away with.

Did Thailand let Japan to move troops through Thailand freely?

Yes, we did. We got threatened by the Japanese but we never said we were to be their ally. Finally, we sent some spies to USA and asked for help. After the war, US troops built the longest road in Thailand for us as a gift, called 'Mitrapap' or 'Friendship' in Thai.

Was Sweden occupied in WW2?

No it was 'neutral' like the Swiss. They did Germany some banking and business favours and let them move troops through the country so the Germans saw no need to occuppy it.

Can you want to make clone troopers to put in Iraq?

Sure you can! Or better still, send all troops home and let experts in Arab affairs find solutions the locals can live with.

What was George Washington's contribution to the revolotionary war?

He was a smart,powerful,and strong commander, he made many battle stradigies and sailed across an ocean in fog wich let their troops live


Did Harry Truman serve in a war?

Yes - WW1. There is a legend that his mother, who was driven from her home by Union troops in 1863 as a Confederate sympathiser, wouldn't let him into the house in US Army uniform.

Why were the Germans unsuccessful at Stalingrad?

Russia implemented a slash and burn policy, where they destroyed anything the enemy would find useful, and a hard winter set in. Another problem the Germans had was inability to adequately supply their troops and the troops did not have winter gear. Stalin did wisely wait and hold back and let Old man winter destroy Hitler's troops. Stalin then brought in his reserves and slaughtered the Germans and took many prisoners.


How did the shoguns weaken Japan's imperial government?

The imperial house, while in theory owning all of the country, had no income. They existed on the sufferance of the Shogun. While the shogun would never intentionally harm the emperor, or at least be seen to, he would let the emperor know in no uncertain terms that his duties lay in prayer for the wellbeing of Nippon (or Wa), Confucian philosophy, and poetry, not in governance.

What policies did Roosevelt and Taft implement in the Caribbean?

One of the policies that Roosevelt and Taft implemented in the Caribbean was the policy of non-colonial imperial expansion. This policy let the United States intervene in the Caribbean countries with out taking control of the countries.

How much is 40g of raisins in imperial measurement?

there are approximately 120-130 raisings. so if you count as 1 rainsin to be equal 1 calorie you will be pretty exact. so let say a serving of 20 raisins= 20 calories

What was the result of the Americans winning the battle at Yorktown?

Losing the battle was a big screw up for Britain. The battle at Yorktown was the last and final battle of the 6-year Revolutionary war. Major quarrels in the colonies were over, but British troops still held a few American cities, and at year-end, Parliament had British troops completely let go of America.

How many pound is one liter?

1600 Errr.... Litres and pounds are metric units of volume and imperial units of mass, respectively. You can't compare them, so the question is meaningless. However so many people seem to ask this or similar questions that it's clear that someone somewhere is failing to teach basic volume, mass and density properly, let alone explain Imperial - Metric conversions.

If you were designing a city would you let 1 inch equal 1 mile 100 miles or 500 miles?

Personally, I would use metric measures, but if you still use Imperial measures, then 1 inch to 1 mile is best.

What is the militia act of 1862?

The Militia Act of 1862 is the Act where the Union let African Americans fight in the war. Many African American regiments struggled to gain respect and dignity from their White counterparts. The United States War Department then created the Beurau of Colored Troops. Its main reposibility was to handle all of the personal matters to the African American troops. Information: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/404173/the_militia_act_of_1862_that_made_black.html?cat=37 The Militia Act of 1862 is the Act where the Union let African… Read More

Why Is Usa So Powerful

Can the Alaska governor release nuclear missiles?

Only the President of the United States has the authority to authorise the use of nuclear weapons. Governors cannot commit armed troops, let alone nuclear weapons, to combat.

Why were people unemployed after world war 1?

because after the war, so much money was put into funding the troops that buisnesses couldn't pay there workers so they let them go and that causes the uneployment. hope it helped

Amendment quartering of troops?

This amendment resulted from way back in America's colonial times. After the French and Indian war(Seven Years War) in the 1700s, the British government had begun to send troops to enforce their several Acts( i.e: Stamp Act, Tea Act, Townshend Act) upon the colonists. To ensure they were properly cared for, the British Government required that all colonists provide the British troops with provisions and shelter;however, this did not mean that the colonists had to… Read More

Should America get involved in Libya?

Personal opinion from a British citizen, No. The US needs to keep it's troops and resources for Afghanistan and let the UN deal with it. Plus the US could do without angering another Muslim state.

How did the people in World War 2 wear their hair?

The troops fighting for the allies in the WWII had their hair cut off in what became known as 'military style' commonly known as the 'Buzz Cut'. This was done for cleanliness, it would keep lice and other bugs away from the troops. As time went on they would let their hair grow, but had to keep it tight ranging from 1/8' by the ears to 2' on the top.


Why did obama say he would stop funding your TROOPS in Iraq what does he expect your Troops to do throw sand pebbles at the enemy?

I see what u mean but if we pull out think of it from their prospecitve we came in there and said we will make your country a better place and said it has to get worse before its better, well they are worse than wen we started, i do not want our troops to leave like in Vietnam, cause the gay politicians say we should they wouldn't know 90% of them would probably dodge… Read More

What was Robert Benmosche's leadership style?

His military training certainly played a part in his leadership style; rather than let his troops create their own battle plans, Benmosche played the role of a hands-on sergeant who delineated exactly what to do and how to get it done

Why do Achilles and agememnon quarrel?

Achilles takes a fancy to one of the captured women and wants her as his servant but Agamemnon claimed her and took her, so Achilles withdrew from the war and refused to fight or let his troops do so until Agamemnon made amends.

What are opinions on whether the US justification for the war in Iraq was right or wrong?

The US should just let the Iraqis be. There are only few terrorists left. Sending over more troops is a horrible idea. Too many lives are at stake.

What were the four parts of the intolerable acts?

1. Boston ports were closed 2. colonists had to house troops wherever necessary 3. let British officials accused of crimes stand trial in Britain 4. banned committees of correspondence.

Who were the auxiliary troops in the Roman army?

Auxiliaries were troops supplied by Rome's allied peoples. From the 4th century BC most of of these allies were Italic peoples. These were peoples which Rome did not annex during her expansion into central and southern Italy in that century. Rome let them remain independent. In exchange they had to supply soldiers at their expense. This worked because Rome shared the spoils of war with them. The booty from victorious battles could be considerable. Their… Read More

Did General Robert E Lee surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9 1865?

Yes, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered all the troops under his command on April 9, 1865 to General In Chief US Grant. Lee's troops were exhausted and of need of food, he had no choice. Grant was kind and provided food and let Lee's men return to their farms for Spring planting.

What was Nixon's Vietnamization Policy?

The idea was to turn the war over to the South Vietnam government and let the US withdraw its troops without losing the war. US forces were to be replaced gradually with South Vietnamese units who had been well trained and properly equipped by the US.